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 Assalamualaikum... Well hello everyone, This is our presentation video about Mosaic culture and Melting pot in US cultural contexts, Indonesian / Asian cultural contexts. Video by  Group 1 : Elena N (1888203025) Dyana Neni Triani (1888203059) Nabila Khairunnisa (1888203063) Sri Nuranisa Maida (1888203043) Ferdi Syaputra (1888203049) Rizki Eka Syahputra (1888203062) Link Video on Youtube Thank you!!


MID TEST  CROSS-CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING (CCU)  Name: Nabila Khairunnisa NIM: 1888203063 Class: 5.1   QUESTIONS : Please answer the questions below briefly:   1. Give your own idea/opinions about: a.  Culture Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, encompassing language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts.   b. Interculture Intercultural is something that occurs between people of different cultures including different religious groups or people of different national origins.   c. Cross culture Cross Culture is dealing with or offering comparison between two or more different cultures or cultural areas. d. Multiculture   Multicultural   means  consisting of or relating to people of many different  nationalities  and cultures.   2. Give one example of cultural conflict and offer the solution for its adjustment! One of the cultural conflicts that exist around me is that...


  Nabila Khairunnisa 1888203063 5.1   QUIZ  1. Why is media an effective pathway for communication? a.          Media holds your students' attention and makes challenging subjects more understandable. b.         Using media is like listening to a lecture. c.          Media takes less time to implement. d.         Can use media instead of tests.                           2. Where can you find videos on most any subject imaginable? a.         ITunes b.         YouTube and c. d.         Facebook   3. What kind of media ca...


BEING HUMANITY IN THE MIDDLE OF COVID 19   At the end of 2019 the world was rocked with a dangerous virus that was in thought to be from one of the cities in China. Since its appearance in the bamboo curtain country, this disease has been able to steal the attention of all human from various countries in the world. The rapid spread of the virus is a threat to every human being. Until now, it has been confirmed that as many as 65 countries have contracted the corona virus (WHO data, March 1, 2020) (PDPI, 2020). Lung specialist doctor at the Central General Hospital (RSUP) of Friendship, Erlina Burhan, said that Covid-19 transmission was carried out directly through droplets or saliva splashes. The WHO says the corona virus can spread through tiny droplets from the nose or mouth when someone infected with the virus sneezes or coughs. WHO also mentioned the common symptoms of someone infected with this virus are fever, fatigue, and dry cough. And there are some patients who expe...

Paraphrase Essay

Nabila Khairunnisa 4.1 1888203063 The Data that supports my Essay (First Task)    The data were gotten from observation, document analysis and test. The essay test was the instrument used to assess the students’ critical thinking which later adopted the model of the Holistic Critical Thinking Scoring Rubric (HCTSR). The result of the study showed that using of hoax news significantly improve the students’ critical thinking followed by the development of interpretation, analysis and identification ability. The number students posed strong thinking increased from 6.45% to 72,2%. Common Sense, a media that supports the education of children and parents conducted a survey of 853 children aged 10-18 years in the United States in early 2017. From a survey of 853 children, 44 percent said they could adjust between hoax or not. However, 31 percent still doubt the truth of the news that they have shared with others. From the same survey (Common Sense), it was f...

Nabila Khairunnisa (1888203063) Outline

Topic : Hoax Title : Colonization of the Modern Era. TS : How Students against the hoax Body Idea 1 : Students need to know the Information of the News  Body Idea 2 : Try to drill a lot the information of the news Body Idea 3 : Try to analyse the news Conclusion : We can distinguish between the true news and hoax. Colonization of the Modern Era Nowadays technology has been using by everyone in the world. The faster technology is progressing, the faster news is spreading. News is same as the knowledge, we can get it from anywhere and from anyone. But the bigger promblems is, does the news is true or false? due to that problem, we know that not everyone in this country can analyse the true of the news. As a students, we should to know how students against the hoax. The data were gotten from observation, document analysis and test. The essay test was the instrument used to assess the students’ critical thinking which later adopted the model of the Holi...