Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh. Hai sobat online ku...kali ini aku bakalan bahas tentang salah satu cabang ilmu linguistic yaitu Syntax.

Syantax adalah salah satu cabang ilmu linguistic yang mempelajari tentang susunan, atau aturan  bagaimana suatu kata jika digabungkan dengan kata menjadi kelompok kata (phrase), lalu phrase digabungkan dengan phrase menjadi sebuah kelompok kelompok kata (clause), kemudia clause digabungkan dengan clause menjadi sebuah kalimat (sentence).

 "Syntax is the study of the principles and processes by which sentences are constructed in particular languages. Syntactic investigation of a given language has as its goal the construction of a grammar that can be viewed as a device of some sort for producing the sentences of the language under analysis."(Noam Chomsky, 2002:11)

     Adalah kelompok kata yang TIDAK terdiri dari kata kerja dan subject. Macam-macam frase   dalam syntax :

1. Noun Phrase, adalah sebuah phrase yang berasal dari sebuah kata benda dan bertujuan sebagai  objek atau subjek pada kalimat. Biasanya noun phrase ini di awali dengan kata sandang  atau determinant
    Contohnya : a ant
                        the table

2. Verb Phrase, adalah sebuah phrase yang berasal dari gabungan kata kerja (verb) dengan kata kerja bantu (auxiliary verb).
contohnya : Bela has been driving that car
                   Maghfira has seen an apple 

3. Adjectiva Phrase, adalah phrase yang berasal dari kata sifat (adj) yang berguna untuk memberikan keterangan sifat pada kata benda (noun) maupun kata ganti (Pronoun).
contohnya : I get my beautiful doll 

4. Adverb Phrase, adalah sebuah prase yang bertujuan untuk memberikan keterangan pada kata kerja (verb).
Contohnya : I always run every morning

5. Prepositional Phrase, Prepositional phrases atau frasa preposisi adalah frasa yang terdiri dari preposisi dan objek preposisi. Phrases ini lebih banyak berfungsi sebagai kata keterangan atau adverbs. Sebuah prepositional phrase dapat diakhiri oleh noun, pronoun, gerund, atau clause yang berfungsi atau berperan sebagai objek dari preposisi tersebut.

contohnya : The cat in the tree
                    By the ocean
                    Far from home

     Adalah kelompok kelompok kata yang terdiri dari subjek dan kata kerja.

1. Independent Clause, adalah clausa yang sudah bisa berdiri sendiri atau bisa disebut sebagai kalimat utuh. Clausa ini sudah memiliki struktur kalimat yang lengkp.

2. Depentent Clause, adalah clausa yang membutuhkan klimat lain untuk membentuk sebuah kalimat yang utuh. Clausa ini belum memiliki struktur kalimat yang lengkap. Pembagian dependent clause menurut fungsinya.

  • Klausa Nomina (Noun Clause). Klausa yang bertindak sebagai nomina ditandai dengan adanya wh-words, how, dan that.
  • Klausa Adjektiva (Adjective Clause). Klausa terikat yang bertindak sebagai adjektiva ditandai dengan adanya relative pronoun, yaitu who, whom, which, whose, dan that.
  • Klausa Adverbial (Adverbial Clause). Klausa terikat yang bertindak sebagai adverbial ditandai dengan subordinate conjunction.

                           ini adalah gambaran bagaimana cara mempelajari syntax.

Banyak yang bilang belajar syntax itu sulit, tapi aku memilih ini karena aku merasa ini materi yang sangat penting supaya aku bisa lebih mudah dalam membuat kalimat yang baik dan bermakna.

              Jadi belajar syntax ini jangan SKS (sistem kebut semalam) ya manteman

    Oke teman-teman, sekian penjelasan yang bisa aku berikan tentang Syntax. Semoga bisa bermanfaat ya. Terimakasih udah mau mampir dan baca blog aku ini, maaf apabila ada kekurangannya. 
Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, dan sampai jumpa di blog ku berikutnyaaa...


  1. Syntax can make me stress, i cant get the point in that material such as phrase verb phrase etc. Make sure that you posted easy to get the point 🙏🏻🤪

    1. I am totally sure fo understand what I've been posted

    2. ohh i see, so when you explain to me about this topic? i need fast :(

    3. just wait in class. I'll show you 😌


    4. hey hey sadhya😊 nice to meet you😊😊
      I think your life burden is too big right?
      so you get stressed hika must understand the writing on this blog😂😂 ..
      I don't know what's wrong with you ...
      sorry in advance😊😊🙇🙇

  2. heyyaa bella 💕 i like your topic, but i think it will be better if you explain the example by your self 💕💕 keep posting bellla 💕💕💕

    1. thank you putri. And yeah that my own example fyi.

    2. okay bell, could you give me some example about independent clause and depentent clause?

    3. of course. Just wait and I'll show you in the class

    4. okee bell, but i can't patient to waiting for could you give just a litlle that you know?

  3. syntax is a good topic but can you give examples that are easier to understand and also include expert opinions to support your explanation

    1. which one part you want me to mention the expert?

    2. expert opinion about syntax itself

    3. and better you improve your blog design

    4. ok. Thank you for comment and give me advices

    5. ok I look forward to your post I will also give comments and continue to improve your abilities and improve the appearance of the blog

  4. Your topic is good.
    But i couldn't understand about how to make a good sentence from step by step.
    Like from phrase-clause-sentence.
    Please give the example:)

    1. oh dear, to understand something you must read about it first.

  5. You're topic so excited for me to read,but if you know and understand about youre material you can make the topic so easy to understand and simple topic.

    1. Syantax is my topic, and what do you mean with simple topic?

  6. your writing is very good, yes it can be different "form and doesn't hit my mind about your topic. the word he said there is someone who lives, fortunately the hands don't stay typed haha ​​.. Live bullying wkwkwk

    1. I don't think your comment is kind of bullying lol

    2. so think, bullying is a good role and the contents of your blog can be bullied. your blog THH

    3. if you study more surely you will more easily give understanding to your friends. your presentation would be even better if you gave an interesting example to a friend "

    4. hi nabila .. how do I learn easy tips for syntax in linguistics ?? i have not yet understood it more. can you give me something ??

    5. nabila nabila .. you really are good. never mind using the technology method is still too stubborn. You instead use a piece of cardboard for presentations. it's not so creative, I don't know

  7. The explanation is good and the color of the writing is also interesting but it will be more interesting if it is explained more so that it will increase understanding of this topic, zheyeng.

    1. That's all above is what I could understand about syntax, Thank you for comment dear

    2. You're welcome, can you teach me to make it like this? I really like it


  8. I like the topic but the explanation about Syntax is incomplete.

    1. thank you for remind me. Of course I'll put more.

    2. Sis after I read the contents of this blog again. I want to ask about independent clauses. Can you give an example of a complete sentence like what?

    3. yes kezia, Give me time to make sure my answer before I explain to you

  9. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  10. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  11. I think your topic is good and clear. You better make an example in the Clausa explanation also to make it more interesting for the readers.

  12. Your topic not clear and not easy to people understand.You wanna be good blogger or just wanna write in your blogger.think again

    1. To be honestly, I'm so sorry for make you confuse about my blog. I still learn, you still learn, and we stilk learn. If u think that u will got a great blogger in my new blog, hell yeah, go out and check your blog first

    2. Oh nabila you jeolous with my blog?😏.I know your heart not good😂😂 like yoour blog,wkqkqkw

  13. good topic but can you give examples that are easier to understand.:)

    1. of course I can. But to make it easier, you must to understand about what I was writting about

  14. good topic but can you give examples that are easier to understand.:)

    1. Thank you for comment dinda. And of course I can. Wait 'till I repair it

  15. Hi kek bela..
    I like your tempalete.. But for your content blog, i think it will be better if you give some examples and tell about expert opinion about your topic. So, other people can more understand..
    Thank you kak..

    1. Hello pebri. Tbh,can't wait my self to see your comment after I answer this one, and I will add some notes based on your suggestion. Thank you

    2. Ok pebri. Just wait for my new blog

  16. As you explain in start of your blog that syntax explain about words, phrase, Clause, sentence.. But why you didn't explain sentence at the end? Looks like you wrote without preparation, think before act dude

    1. Thank you amel for commenting my blog. Actually you right, I missed one things that important in this topic, also thanks for remaind me about that one. But, fyi, I am a girl not boy,it means I am not and never be dude amel (:

  17. Fighting Nabila, ,i like your blog and i hope we can learn together because your topic same with me.

  18. I don't know what do you advice, because this is more than enough

    1. aww this is honeymonth? why your words seem like honey in this month dear, Thank you btw


  19. Interesting is just boring because the discussion is too serious.

    1. Hi reni, welcome to my blog.
      Just wanna say that I never be so excited with serious discussion and I think it's not too serious. Does your life doing well ren? doesn't it?

    2. But your write not interested

    3. Alright, can you explain to me about exocentric phrase ?


    4. hi reni .😊. can you explain me what do you mean this explanation is too serious ??
      Is this writing correct?
      then how do you make it to invite you to joke? 😪

  20. the topic is interesting and the material is easy for me to understand, but it's better to bold the font to make it easier to read

    1. Thank you alma for give me suggestion. Hope you will visit my blog after I repair it.

    2. You're welcome, and I see that this is better than before

    3. Thank you Alma. Wait my new blog yeah

  21. Hi Bela! I like your blog. It's comfortable to read. wish you include some example of clause. it would be bette. thanks
    keep posting!

    1. Hello sistur!! Never be so excited than this for answer the comments from all of you. Thank you for visit and also comment my blog, of course I will add and fix my blog better than this.

    2. Thank you.

      You explained that "Syantax adalah salah satu cabang ilmu linguistic yang mempelajari tentang susunan, atau aturan bagaimana suatu kata jika digabungkan dengan kata menjadi kelompok kata (phrase), lalu phrase digabungkan dengan phrase menjadi sebuah kelompok kelompok kata (clause),kemudian clause digabungkan dengan clause menjadi sebuah kalimat(sentence)". If so why didn't you explain about it until it become sentence. Can you explain about it more? Thanks

    3. Oh I see, give me time to answer your question and I'll show you letter

  22. can you give examples of syntax in daily life kak bella?

    1. Let's we see what can I give to you and all of our classmate soon.

    2. hey you nabila. 😊 can you answer the elena's question without having to reason in class ... 😊
      are you aware that not only your classmates can read your blog?
      then how can we know your answer?
      let's answer immediately. we are waiting for you here😊

  23. Your topic is good but it is so simple that I am not satisfied with the contents of your blog and makes me less understanding about the topic you are describing

    1. Hi wira. If u think my topic isn't clear for u, I think I will add something to make u and other easier to understand

    2. hi wira ... nice to meet you ... sorry if I want to comment on your comments 🙇... I think you are not not understanding this material because it is too simple or too short ... this is quite understandable. because he also gave an example here ... I think you have to repeatedly read it so you understand ... 😊

  24. haiii kak bel. i like ur blog! Fighting!

    1. Hello nisa, my october squad. Let's we fight together for this one

  25. Hello Nabila! I'd love too read your blog, it's not too short and not too long. But it will more interesting if you some jokes word in your blog. Overall good ;)

    1. Hi intan! thank you for read my blog. I never think that I am good in jokes

    2. what kind of jokes you want me to do? Should I'm join in Stand Up Comedy? If you want me to do, pliss give me more money to flight there

  26. I think you should use another example of syntax

    1. I think so. Thank you for comment rizki

    2. Here my another examples.
      1. People who text on their phone while watching a movie are very annoying.

      2. Happy about her upcoming promotion, Sammie sang all the way home.

  27. I like your writing, good and enough make me understand. If you want to learn syntx more easily, you need pay more attention to grammar, right? Grammar is pretty freaking me out😂 Hopefully your knowledge of syntax bring you to be a fameous writer:)

    1. dear Erni, the only one who talk about grammar in my blog. I agree with you, grammar is pretty freaking me out too, thats why I choose syntax for facing my fear

    2. It's a good idea to get rid of your fear of grammar, syntax is one of your solutions. But can you give me the example about independent clause and dependent clause?

  28. I like your template choice. Its neat

    1. neat doesn't mean everything. But thank you yuyun

    2. Pliss do the same things in your blog if you like it

    3. haiii yuyun konita 🙋🙋 I totally agree with your opinion, he agrees his blog is very neat, the color of the template is good making people read clearly, good job nabilla jkt48 aitakatta 😊

  29. Nice. But you explain more and add example:)

    1. Mm im not understand, so you can explain to me?

    2. Hi you diana😊... nice to meet you here ... can you explain what you mean?
      You don't understand because he explains too much and gives an example ??
      owh .. I think hard what if you argue with a brief explanation and not included examples.😮😮

    3. Of course I can. Which part exactly you don't understand? So that, I can explain it so simple and you can easier to understand my explanation. Btw, thank you dyana.

    4. haiii diana, I think if you don't understand everything there is something wrong with you not this blog, maybe if you don't understand some things you can immediately ask nabilla that makes more sense😊😊

    5. Hi Nabilla✋
      In your blog about Independent Clause, is a clause that can stand alone or can be called a complete sentence. What is a sentence that can stand on its own? How can that sentence stand alone? And why does the sentence stand alone? Sorry, if I have too many questions. I'm just curious

  30. why youre types of text like that? it can make me headeache you know.please fix it!

    1. Hi sadya .. what is your real problem😊
      if you have a headache immediately take medicine😊 ..
      and can you ask him to fix the blog in a good way? 😊
      and if he doesn't treat your head so he doesn't fix his blog, what can you do?

    2. What's the problem? No one commenting the types of my text. You think your blog is good? you just give me bullshit. Poor you girl!

    3. I think you are too much sadya, or I think you should go to the hospital to check your head, in my opinion the writing is very good, too cute 😊


  31. hey you ... this is my first visit to your blog 😊.. nice to meet me, ayu suryani ..😆
    hmm the syntax of material which I think is quite difficult ... but you are great, you want to choose it as your material if I may know, what is it that makes you sure you choose Sintax? and what motivation you get?😊

    1. Hey Ayu, nice to meet you too. What's make me sure to choose syntax cause I wanna make a good sentence to help me when I'm doing skripsi.

    2. haiii nabilla, your answer is very good, I think I should really learn syntax in order to help me in writing my thesis too, life must always think about going forward, mantull👍👍

  32. I think this syntax is indeed rather difficult so I'm a little lazy to learn it😀😀😀 ..
    what do you think of the syntax function?😊

  33. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    1. Cause I wanna be traveller so that, I need to learn syntax to make a good sentences so that, it will make me easier to tell what I wanna tell

    2. So it same like grammar right ? Even we never talk with grammar, if when we think of grammar,when will you speak up ? So how is syntax important to our life ? Can you explain about it ?

  34. hi 💖 your explanation is good but it's a pity right why are you using Indonesian? Isn't English better? because it can show that you are an English student right 😊 I hope in the future you can use English yes, thank you 👌😊 I hope you want to respond to my advice, I'm waiting for your reply 😊😊

    1. Hi refi 🌸 hello nabila 🤓 I agree with refi 👀 you are an English student right ? Where is your English skill ? Why did you not explain it using English ? Am I going to a wrong blog ? I'm an English student, I need to improve my English in a English post 🙄

  35. can you give me a simpler example? because I don't understand the example you gave I hope you can answer my question ya I'm really waiting for your answer, thank you 😊

  36. oh yeah I want to know 😊 what is the reason you chose this material? aren't you still have a lot of other material to choose from right? and there may also be the same as your material. hehe sorry I was too curious 😊 I really really want to know your reasons, hopefully you will answer yes too. thank you 😊 greetings from me Refi 😊

  37. Hi nabila 🌸 how are you ? I hope you are good 😍 I want to ask you about your explanation sebuah kelompok kelompok kata (clause) can you explain to me what do you think about clause ? I ever heard independent clause, main clause, and adjectives clause, do you mean the kelompok kata is main clause or no ? Please explain it to me 😍

  38. hi bella can you give examples of independent clause and dependent clause. I'm a little confused about this. I will wait for an answer from you 😊

    1. Independent clauses are complete sentences. They begin with a capital letter and end with punctuation, such as a period.

      1. I picked a flower for you.

      2. My mom is nice.

      3. The teacher taught me how to read.

      4. The woman sang.

      *A dependent clause is not a complete sentence.

      1. When I picked a flower for you
      What happened when I picked the flower?
      This is not a complete thought or sentence.

      2. If my mom is nice.
      What happens if my mom is nice? This is not a complete thought or sentence.

      3. While my teacher taught me to read

      What happened while my teacher taught me to read?
      This is not a complete thought or sentence.

  39. hai nabilla, your blog is very good but my advice is better you write it in english not in Indonesian because it reflects you are an English learner 😊😊

    1. Hello there! thank you for the suggestion. I hope I can use English in everywhere if I can. Of course I has to be master in english language because I'm the english student, so that I must be master in English

  40. For native speakers, using correct syntax is something that comes naturally, as word order is learned as soon as an infant starts absorbing the language. Native speakers can tell something isn't said quite right because it "sounds weird," even if they can't detail the exact grammar rule that makes something sound "off" to the ear. Can you explain why is it?

  41. Discussing about syntax is the arrangement of words so that it can become a sentence. how are phrases, clauses and sentences related? Explain!😉
    Your percentage is a bit boring🙃

  42. why did you choose the syntax of the many branches of linguistics surely you have your own reasons right?

    1. I choose syntax because I wanna be a good person in communication, verbal or non verbal.If I could be master in Syntax, that's mean I could be good in communication

  43. although at first I had difficulty understanding the meaning of syntax. but finally I understood although little by little thank you Bella for the explanation. but it would be better if you could give a quick response so that me or other readers can more easily understand.

    1. Thank you elena and I'm so sorry if I'm being so late for responses you guys. I'm about examination as you know and this topic really not easy to understood.

  44. Hi Nabilla✋
    I see your topic it syntax. Can i know why you choose this topic? What the reasons?
    I think it is hard to explain cause it have some elements. And i want ask you, what the benefits we know about syntax nabilla?

    1. Hi dyana! Why I choose this topic because I wanna be good when communication in English, so that, I can go anywhere arround the world. The benefit of course we can know how to make a good sentences dyana.

  45. from your explanation I say, the question arises in my mind that is whether if the sentence does not have a noun phrase, verb phrase or adjective it is not called syntax?

    1. I think you need to read again about my topic. Syntax is just focus study in lingustic that learn about word ordering.Syantax has 3 point called : word, phrase, clause, and become a sentence.

  46. For native speakers, using correct syntax is something that comes naturally, as word order is learned as soon as an infant starts absorbing the language. Native speakers can tell something isn't said quite right because it "sounds weird," even if they can't detail the exact grammar rule that makes something 😊

    1. Yeah you right dinda. Thank you for give me that information. I hope we can speak english well, so that, we can teach or share our knowladge for other people

  47. syntax is a good topic but can you give examples that are easier to understand and also include expert opinions to support your explanation

    1. Thank you pebri. I think I must put expert opinions because I just learn this topic. So, to make it easier to understand I must put the opinions bases on expert

  48. can you give me a simpler example? because I don't understand the example you gave I hope you can answer my question ya I'm really waiting for your answer, thank you 😊

    1. Example of syntax is :
      1. People who text on their phone while watching a movie are very annoying.

      2.Incorrect: Happy about her upcoming promotion, the trip home was full of singing.

      Correct: Happy about her upcoming promotion, Sammie sang all the way home.

  49. oh yeah I want to know 😊 what is the reason you chose this material? aren't you still have a lot of other material to choose from right? and there may also be the same as your material. hehe sorry I was too curious 😊 I really really want to know your reasons, hopefully you will answer yes too.

    1. Much people asking me the same question like yours. Well, my reason is because I wanna be traveller so that I must be master to speak english and make a good sentence for the better communication with other people

  50. Hi Nabilla✋
    In your blog about Independent Clause, is a clause that can stand alone or can be called a complete sentence. What is a sentence that can stand on its own? How can that sentence stand alone? And why does the sentence stand alone? Sorry, if I have too many questions. I'm just curious

    1. It's okay pebri. I know you are curious with syntax, same over me. Well, An independent clause is a clause that can stand on its own, by itself. It does not need to be joined to any other clauses, because it contains all the information necessary to be a complete sentences

  51. Syntax can make me stress, i cant get the point in that material such as phrase verb phrase etc. Make sure that you posted easy to get the point

    1. I think my post is easy to understand because I use Indonesia language not English even though I'm a English student.

  52. Discussing about syntax is the arrangement of words so that it can become a sentence. how are phrases, clauses and sentences related? Explain!😉
    Your percentage is a bit boring🙃

    1. You must read again my blog. Because I told it that syntax is word ordering, from word becomes phrase and phrase becomes clause and then clause becomes sentence.

  53. can you give me a simpler example? because I don't understand the example you gave I hope you can answer my question ya I'm really waiting for your answer, thank you

  54. There's the subject (person or thing being discussed), verb (action-giver), and direct object (receiving the action of the verb). Here are some examples:
    1. I enjoy college.
    2. Work pays the bills.
    3. Hurricanes are scary.
    4. The sky is pink.

    The dog loves her owner. The syntax in these lines is fine

    1. What do you mean? You like stupid people. Use your brain. Don't only sleep.😒😒

  55. Discussing about syntax is the arrangement of words so that it can become a sentence. how are phrases, clauses and sentences related? Explain!😉
    Your percentage is a bit boring🙃

    1. A complete sentence has a subject and predicate, and can often be composed of more than one clause. As long as it has a subject and a predicate, a group of words can form a sentence, no matter how short.

      E.g. “You ate fish.”

      More complex sentences can combine multiple clauses or phrases to add additional information about what is described. Clauses may be combined using conjunctions – such as “and”, “but” and “or”.

      E.g. “He went out to dinner but didn’t enjoy the meal.”

  56. Syntax can make me stress, i cant get the point in that material such as phrase verb phrase etc. Make sure that you posted easy to get the point

  57. Your topic is good.
    But i couldn't understand about how to make a good sentence from step by step.
    Like from phrase-clause-sentence.
    Please give the example:)

    1. Examples of Syntax in a Sentence:

      The boy jumped happily.
      The boy happily jumped.
      Happily, the boy jumped.

      we have the same topic btw, so which part you don't understand? maybe I can explain well to you again

  58. can you give me a simpler example? because I don't understand the example you gave I hope you can answer my question ya I'm really waiting for your answer, thank you

    1. Simple sentences follow a subject-verb format.

      Simple Syntax Examples:

      The boy jumped.
      The girl sang.

      thank you putri for visit my blog. I really love your comment btw

  59. Hai.... Nabila😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼 I like your blog. And I think your blog not to bad too☺☺☺. Keep writing yeahhh. Keep spirit and do the best for the next time yeahhh nabila😉😉😉😉.... I hope we can learn together for the next time yeahhh🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸

    1. Thankyou hera. I hope you will always like my blog, don't forget to read another capture in my next blog yeah 😊

  60. Nabila...... I hope a question for you🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼. syntax is a good topic but can you give examples that are easier to understand and also include expert opinions to support your explanation????? I hope you can reply my question Nabila😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸

    1. Examples of Syntax in a Sentence:

      The boy jumped happily.
      The boy happily jumped.
      Happily, the boy jumped.

      we have the same topic btw, so which part you don't understand? maybe I can explain well to you again

      "Syntax is the study of the principles and processes by which sentences are constructed in particular languages. Syntactic investigation of a given language has as its goal the construction of a grammar that can be viewed as a device of some sort for producing the sentences of the language under analysis."(Noam Chomsky, 2002:11)

  61. The explanation is good and the color of the writing is also interesting but it will be more interesting if it is explained more so that it will increase understanding of this topic, zheyeng.

  62. Discussing about syntax is the arrangement of words so that it can become a sentence. how are phrases, clauses and sentences related? Explain!😉
    Your percentage is a bit boring🙃

  63. can you give me a simpler example? because I don't understand the example you gave I hope you can answer my question ya I'm really waiting for your answer, thank you

  64. For native speakers, using correct syntax is something that comes naturally, as word order is learned as soon as an infant starts absorbing the language. Native speakers can tell something isn't said quite right because it "sounds weird," even if they can't detail the exact grammar rule that makes something 😊

  65. I like your writing, good and enough make me understand. If you want to learn syntx more easily, you need pay more attention to grammar, right? Grammar is pretty freaking me out😂 Hopefully your knowledge of syntax bring you to be a fameous writer:)

  66. You explained that "Syantax adalah salah satu cabang ilmu linguistic yang mempelajari tentang susunan, atau aturan bagaimana suatu kata jika digabungkan dengan kata menjadi kelompok kata (phrase), lalu phrase digabungkan dengan phrase menjadi sebuah kelompok kelompok kata (clause),kemudian clause digabungkan dengan clause menjadi sebuah kalimat(sentence)". If so why didn't you explain about it until it become sentence. Can you explain about it more? Thanks


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