BEING HUMANITY IN THE MIDDLE OF COVID 19 At the end of 2019 the world was rocked with a dangerous virus that was in thought to be from one of the cities in China. Since its appearance in the bamboo curtain country, this disease has been able to steal the attention of all human from various countries in the world. The rapid spread of the virus is a threat to every human being. Until now, it has been confirmed that as many as 65 countries have contracted the corona virus (WHO data, March 1, 2020) (PDPI, 2020). Lung specialist doctor at the Central General Hospital (RSUP) of Friendship, Erlina Burhan, said that Covid-19 transmission was carried out directly through droplets or saliva splashes. The WHO says the corona virus can spread through tiny droplets from the nose or mouth when someone infected with the virus sneezes or coughs. WHO also mentioned the common symptoms of someone infected with this virus are fever, fatigue, and dry cough. And there are some patients who expe...